It’s no secret that markets are competitive and everyone wants an attorney with a proven track record. So where are people looking to vet their options? You guessed it: online.
Here are a few reasons why harnessing the power of client reviews should be high on your to-do list:
1. The concept of “social proof” is not new, but if you aren’t leveraging it to grow your business, you’re almost certainly missing out. Behold the new personal referral, the modern word of mouth: the client review.
93% of consumers used the internet to find a local business in 2020 - 34% said they did it daily. (source - BrightLocal)
2. Meet your prospective clients where they are: on the internet. More than ever, people use tools like Google and Facebook to research options when they need a lawyer.
87% of consumers read reviews for local businesses in 2020 (up from 81% in 2019).
Studies show that people rank the most important review factors as: 1) Star rating, 2) Legitimacy, 3) Recency, 4) Sentiment, 5) Quantity.
4. Increase trust: Reviews online come straight from real people who have worked with you. That kind of transparency is an extremely compelling testament to your ability to deliver quality client services and representation. Third-party reviews across multiple platforms are far more impactful than self-edited and posted testimonials on your website.
5. Enhanced SEO ranking is a huge bonus from online reviews. The reviews reinforce your legitimacy as a business and boost your search engine findability.
6. Accountability: If you know your clients can tell the world when they have a poor experience, it just might incentivize you to be more mindful of your interactions. Good reviews bring business, too few or critical reviews damage your reputation.
Less than half of consumers would consider using a business with fewer than 4 stars.
If clients are happy with your services, reviews should be easy to obtain. Learn how in the next post of this 3-part series, How to Solicit Reviews to Win More Business