Raising the Bar | Pennsylvania Bar Institute Blog

How to Follow-Up Like a Pro

Written by Taylor Burton | Sep 27, 2023 12:52:00 PM

Now that you're an expert on how to grow your network in the legal world, it's time to tackle the next step in sealing the deal: the follow-up. 

You should be leaving networking events with plenty of new contacts and the desire to build meaningful relationships. The follow-up is a crucial step in this process, but constructing an effective email is its own art form. Let's check in with how to create the perfect follow-up message that should always follow a successful connection at a networking event.


Don't Delay! A follow-up email (or call) is best sent within the first 24 hours after meeting. This way, the conversation will be fresh in your mind as well as theirs. If you genuinely express what a pleasure it was meeting them the day after, it will come across as authentic. One month later? Not so much.

Definitely don't wait more than a week! After all, windows of opportunity can close without warning. We all lead busy lives, but it only takes a minute to shoot someone a message. If you're serious about networking like a pro, make time to send out follow-up emails!


A Simple Reminder. Life is busy. We all have a hundred different things on our mind at any given moment. Start off the email with a gentle reminder of where you met and summarize the topic of conversation you discussed. This will help them remember you and aid in kickstarting the next conversation. Keep this part short and sweet--you don't want to scare anyone off with a wall of text. 



Offer Resources. If you spoke to a prospective client, fellow lawyer, or inquisitive business owner about a specific problem, sending them solutions or resources is a great way to show you care. Alternatively, if you previously referenced an article or another point of interest, this is the place to provide more information. It's in good taste to offer help before jumping straight into what they can do for you.


Grow the Connection. Keep the connection strong by following one another on social media so you can catch important future updates. Seeing what they've been up to can be a good conversation-starter if you need to get in touch again. However, only suggest swapping socials if you have a professional web presence! If not, you could wind up losing this connection.

When it comes to networking, LinkedIn is your best option! It's business-focused and is built for professionals like you.



Suggest Next Steps. Think about your goal for this connection. Would you like to schedule a meeting? Detail your services? Create a partnership? Seek promotion for your firm? Merely say thanks? Have a set objective in mind and communicate this clearly within your email. Getting straight to the point will show others how you value their time. They will also be more likely to follow through with you if you demonstrate guidance on what to do next.


A Word of Thanks. Always end on a positive note by expressing your gratitude. It's one of the most professional things you can do. Thank them for their time and whatever else they were able to provide you with.

Don't forget to proofread when you're done! Your follow-up email won't look very professional if it has spelling and grammar errors.



If you'd like to see samples of strong follow-up emails, check out this article from Indeed!

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